I can't help wondering what kind of stories I'll have when I'm a mommy. What kind of darndest things will my rug rats come up with?
(speaking of darndest things: This video still cracks me up, check it out, you won't be sorry)
I can't wait until my blog revolves around play dates, well child appointments, and all the adventures of first time parents. But, for now, I'll just continue writing about my day to day, sans baby.
while watching my horrible local news station (it's an embarrassment, but I adore it), I found out something that I didn't know about Pennsylvania....
{drum roll please} there is a town in PA named Intercourse.
At first I didn't believed I'd heard them right. Could she really have said that or was it a Freudian slip? So, of course I hopped online (where all the answers are,right?) and googled it.
Yes, Virginia, there is an Intercourse PA!
Not only does it have a rockin' awesome name, it is also in Amish Country! (back story, I've always been intrigued, possibly bordering on obsessed, by the Amish). So, I immediately grab the phone and dial my sister. It was a wake up call for her (lucky dog gets to sleep in longer than me) but I like think that it was the BEST wake up call she's gotten in a while.
So.... this past weekend we went to Intercourse. Of course, the whole way we came up with picture captions for the Welcome to Intercourse sign:
- On the first date
- it's so good, I got a UTI
- we came all the way, and didn't bring a condom
- thanks for coming
you get the idea. We giggled the whole way to Intercourse (hee hee).
As we entered town we squealed with excitement, HORSE POOP on the side of the road, buggies, men with long beards, and really beautiful farm land. I can't help but wonder if the Amish are aware of the name of their town? How can they go about their daily chores while all of us common folks pose by their welcome sign and make provocative gestures? (because we did)
We bought "Greetings from Intercourse" post cards, a pot holder that says "I love Intercourse", and some Amish treats. Fun was had by all. And well, yeah... I will come again. :)
Who knew you could have so much fun with a tank of gas and a town with a dirty name?

for more info on the Amish culture, and who exactly Jakob Amman is, read it here. Two photos courtesy of my darling sister, Amber Suman.
It is so green there! I love springtime!
ReplyDeleteIntercourse...Doin' it since 17whatever...