Monday, February 27, 2012

the son I never intended to have.

My grown-up nephew (19) moved in with us in November 2011. He needed a place to stay and some motivation, and we took him right in. He was struggling to get into the army, and we were struggling with being a family of 2 --- so in a round about way, we helped each other. He quickly became my "son", as I've always been one to mother (smother?). I've bossed him around since he was born, anyway, so what difference does it really make? haha.
Thanks to my husband's patience (thankfully he posses much more than I ever have) and my nephew's need to better himself, he was able to enlist after living with us for a few months. It was not easy for him. He struggled with an educational hurdle and needed some extra help to prepare for the ASVAB (the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Test).

He left for basic training today (after living with us for 15 months). It was a bittersweet moment for me. I am so proud of his hard work and his ability to work through all of the obstacles that held him back, But also, I'm a little sad.... it's like my "son" is leaving. He became my good buddy while he lived with us. And even though he was grown when he moved in, he still required a fair about of parenting (something he had never had before).

It's funny how things work. I can't help but take a minute to marvel in God's work. He took a boy who was in dire need of a good male role model -- who needed an escape for a sad situation --- and brought him here --- where my husband could show him, teach him, guide him. And he took a couple who had an empty bedroom and a quiet house, and gave them somebody to fill it.

life is funny.