I spent the weekend with my sister, having what we deemed a "Fat Weekend". It started after I got off work on Friday. I went over to her house right after work, bringing a free bag of Asian Salad mix for dinner. I battled Friday evening traffic and belted out this song all the way to Columbia. After unloading my belongings (including New Moon), we headed over to the Commissary to get "something sweet". What started innocently, ended with enough junk food to provide us for the whole weekend... cookies, chips, the most delicious peanut butter cake, pop tarts...
We had pizza and chips for dinner (healthy, I know) and the peanut butter cake for dessert. We howled out loud at Dane Cook. Check out a clip of it here. We fell asleep to the Golden Girls.
Saturday we drank endless amounts of coffee, had Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and spent the day shopping. I love shopping with my sister. I love the hidden treasure we find at Goodwill. The hideous Days of Our Life's wedding gowns we pretend to swoon over at the Salvation Army. Trying out all of the furniture/supplies at Ikea. Writing SERIOUSLY rude things on a printed out baby registry at Target (really, its DISGUSTING to register for a breast pump. That's like registering for pads. Buy your own, people).
We ate massive amounts of junk, guzzled sodas, watched New Moon (swoon, I love Edward).
Sunday, I woke up to a gloomy day (over cast and cold). I had to load my stuff up in the Rover, including the Asian Salad, that we didn't eat and go back home. Where laundry waited. And trash needed to be gathered for pick-up in the morning.
Our fat weekend did NOT included adult beverages, however I'm feelin' a bit hung over today. Too much junk food. I MUST be good this week. I must eat my veggies and avoid sodas. Thank God I wear scrubs at work, I'm certain I've gained 10 lbs this weekend.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
my blog about nothing, really...

I see new green everywhere I look. The grass is starting to get that perfect new green look, there are baby buds on all the trees, the forsythia in my front yard is starting to bloom... even my mood is budding/blooming. I'm happy spring is here.

I got a sunburn this weekend. I know it's not a good thing (and as summer arrives, I will go back to my SPF 30), but this winter was so cold and so sad that I NEEDED a sun burn. I needed to feel the sun kiss my shoulders and turn them different shades of pink. I needed to stand right in the middle of my drive way, squint up at the sky, and have the sun beat down on me. I've spent too long indoors, too long under covers, too long feeling blue. Now I feel green. A good happy green.
My sister spent the night with us this past Saturday, as we try to get in as much "face time" as we can before the movers take her away to Germany. We made homemade pizzas and strawberry shortcake, drank a bit too much mango margs, and had laugh-a-thons.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
happiness is.......

yes, folks, New Moon is out on DVD!! woo hoo... paired with my Tim Tam cookies, I'm set! Sorry honey, we'll have to postpone baby making tomorrow night, I've got to have my chocolate and my vampire! Life is good. :)
I called the hubs from the Weis Supermarket when I saw the display. I was oblivious to the other shoppers. I squealed, "GUESS WHAT WEIS HAS??!!??NewMOOOOOON!!!!!!" (I know, I didn't give him a chance to guess. I'm still partly 12 years old). He said, "I thought today was the 18th, it doesn't come out until the 20th" (I love him for enabling my obsessions). With his approval (or maybe his blessing?), I happily added the dvd to my cart, right next to the organic cherry tomatoes, buy one get one free strawberries, mushrooms, bell pepper, bananas and coffee creamer.
As I was making my way to the check-out, I heard the yummy cookies calling my name, "add me to your hips...add me to your hips....add me to your hips, please". I mean, c'mon... it said please. So, I put the Tim Tams in my cart too. Besides, doesn't the fresh fruit sort of cancel out the two layers of chocolate malted biscuit, separated by a light chocolate cream filling, and coated in a thin layer of textured chocolate?
The best part of my day... not the dvd (though it is a HUGE happy part), not the cookies (even in their yummy goodness)... the best part of my day was coming home to the man I love. The man who lets me be obsessed with the Twilight series. The man who doesn't judge when I pull cookies out of the grocery bag. The man who likes to partake in baby making on a Thursday evening, while the oven preheats. I'm a lucky girl!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Erin Go Bragh!
I love spring. I love that people come out of hiding when days are warm. I adore that everybody loves to be out in the sun. My neighborhood was abuzz with all of my favorite sights/sounds; kids playing, dogs barking, people taking strolls... ahhh, the joy of warm weather. Even Chloe wanted to be outdoors longer. She ran all around the yard, pulled me down the street, jumped, circled around me, tangled me up in her leash, and tried to eat grass. Even pups love spring!
I left work today and drove home with the windows down, hair flying, singing my heart out. I was disappointed that McD's was sold out of Shamrock Shakes, but even that did not deter my good mood. Today I am happy.
I left work today and drove home with the windows down, hair flying, singing my heart out. I was disappointed that McD's was sold out of Shamrock Shakes, but even that did not deter my good mood. Today I am happy.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
rainy days...
Rainy days make me blue. I only want to curl up and sleep. My need for sunshine is tremendous.
My rainy Saturday was spent shopping at IKEA, where I purchased this adorable candle holder; which now sits on my kitchen table (and my sister was right, I should have gotten 2). I could have spent all day in there. I could have spent a lot more money (I got out of there with only spending $42.00, I'm kicking myself for not getting the other items I wanted). My sister and I played house, shot evil looks at all the preggos, and glared at the woman who told her husband (who looked like he really missed his scrotum) "I said NO." Fun was had by all, but in the back of my mind was a little ringing reminder that she'll be moving to Germany in a few short weeks, and my best friend/partner in crime/favorite shoppin' buddy will be too far away for a Saturday trip to IKEA. After we snacked on glorious cinnamon buns, I left her in Columbia, and drove back to PA in the rain, with Amos Lee singing me home.
I don't know if it's the gloom of the rain, the impending departure of my sister, or the time change, but I'm sad today, and sleepy, and in need of a big bear hug.
On the TTC front, I'm still with out a little lamb of my own. Still have an empty tummy. Still have a longing so intense that it physically hurts. Still walk past the baby section of the store and will myself to walk away. Still feel like the green eyed monster when I see a pregnant woman. Still spend most of my day dreaming of how I'm going to tell the hubs the good news when I get my positive.
My girl friend stopped over today, to drop off some candles I bought & to pick up the little Easter gift I had for her daughter. She pulled me aside and whispered her good news.... she's expecting.
I'm happy for her.
I'm thrilled for her.
I'm so excited for her.
I must repeat these words to myself, multiple times, eventually they'll be true. I told her "congratulations". When she pulled out of my driveway, I wanted to shout at the Lord, at the storks, or at whatever higher power is in control of baby-making... I've been forgotten.

My rainy Saturday was spent shopping at IKEA, where I purchased this adorable candle holder; which now sits on my kitchen table (and my sister was right, I should have gotten 2). I could have spent all day in there. I could have spent a lot more money (I got out of there with only spending $42.00, I'm kicking myself for not getting the other items I wanted). My sister and I played house, shot evil looks at all the preggos, and glared at the woman who told her husband (who looked like he really missed his scrotum) "I said NO." Fun was had by all, but in the back of my mind was a little ringing reminder that she'll be moving to Germany in a few short weeks, and my best friend/partner in crime/favorite shoppin' buddy will be too far away for a Saturday trip to IKEA. After we snacked on glorious cinnamon buns, I left her in Columbia, and drove back to PA in the rain, with Amos Lee singing me home.
I don't know if it's the gloom of the rain, the impending departure of my sister, or the time change, but I'm sad today, and sleepy, and in need of a big bear hug.
On the TTC front, I'm still with out a little lamb of my own. Still have an empty tummy. Still have a longing so intense that it physically hurts. Still walk past the baby section of the store and will myself to walk away. Still feel like the green eyed monster when I see a pregnant woman. Still spend most of my day dreaming of how I'm going to tell the hubs the good news when I get my positive.
My girl friend stopped over today, to drop off some candles I bought & to pick up the little Easter gift I had for her daughter. She pulled me aside and whispered her good news.... she's expecting.
I'm happy for her.
I'm thrilled for her.
I'm so excited for her.
I must repeat these words to myself, multiple times, eventually they'll be true. I told her "congratulations". When she pulled out of my driveway, I wanted to shout at the Lord, at the storks, or at whatever higher power is in control of baby-making... I've been forgotten.

Friday, March 5, 2010
the fifth of march
I don't want to go to work today. I want to stay here, with my cup of coffee, blanket, and sweater. I want to sit in my living room and listen to the silence, to the house making it's settling noises, to the heat kicking on, to the birds chipping their hellos, to the smacking sounds my pup makes when she swallows. Today I want to not put on "real clothes", skip on the make up, put my hair in a pony tail, and stay right here.
It's too loud when I get to work. Gossip is loud even in whispers. I can't listen to it today. The sun is up and happy, and I can't fool with listening to gossip. I don't really care who's kid did what last night, said this or that, etc. I just want my coffee, my silence, and a little bit of time to myself.
It's too loud when I get to work. Gossip is loud even in whispers. I can't listen to it today. The sun is up and happy, and I can't fool with listening to gossip. I don't really care who's kid did what last night, said this or that, etc. I just want my coffee, my silence, and a little bit of time to myself.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
one more try...
I have sat down to write a blog multiple times over the past week. Each time, though, I've not been able to come up with anything to say, except, I'm still here. Still not pregnant. Still wishing I didn't have to pay bills, clean the house, fold laundry, or scoop poop.
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