Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fat weekend...

I spent the weekend with my sister, having what we deemed a "Fat Weekend". It started after I got off work on Friday. I went over to her house right after work, bringing a free bag of Asian Salad mix for dinner. I battled Friday evening traffic and belted out this song all the way to Columbia. After unloading my belongings (including New Moon), we headed over to the Commissary to get "something sweet". What started innocently, ended with enough junk food to provide us for the whole weekend... cookies, chips, the most delicious peanut butter cake, pop tarts...
We had pizza and chips for dinner (healthy, I know) and the peanut butter cake for dessert. We howled out loud at Dane Cook. Check out a clip of it here. We fell asleep to the Golden Girls.
Saturday we drank endless amounts of coffee, had Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and spent the day shopping. I love shopping with my sister. I love the hidden treasure we find at Goodwill. The hideous Days of Our Life's wedding gowns we pretend to swoon over at the Salvation Army. Trying out all of the furniture/supplies at Ikea. Writing SERIOUSLY rude things on a printed out baby registry at Target (really, its DISGUSTING to register for a breast pump. That's like registering for pads. Buy your own, people).
We ate massive amounts of junk, guzzled sodas, watched New Moon (swoon, I love Edward).

Sunday, I woke up to a gloomy day (over cast and cold). I had to load my stuff up in the Rover, including the Asian Salad, that we didn't eat and go back home. Where laundry waited. And trash needed to be gathered for pick-up in the morning.

Our fat weekend did NOT included adult beverages, however I'm feelin' a bit hung over today. Too much junk food. I MUST be good this week. I must eat my veggies and avoid sodas. Thank God I wear scrubs at work, I'm certain I've gained 10 lbs this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm registered at target."
    "What for?"
    "Tampax Pearl Superplus."
    "I mean...what's the occasion?"
    "No occasion. Just wanted to get pressies for having something come out of my vagina. Giggle!"

    Uhm...and PS...I AM pretty fairly sure that I gained 200lbs this wknd. I'm going on the anorexia nervosa diet...this whole entire week.

    And my jaw hurts. Because of the smartness of me putting the chair into your backseat.

    And...Life's sad without you here.

    And...I finally know what Justin Timberlake meant when he sang the song Where's the Love?
