I see new green everywhere I look. The grass is starting to get that perfect new green look, there are baby buds on all the trees, the forsythia in my front yard is starting to bloom... even my mood is budding/blooming. I'm happy spring is here.

I got a sunburn this weekend. I know it's not a good thing (and as summer arrives, I will go back to my SPF 30), but this winter was so cold and so sad that I NEEDED a sun burn. I needed to feel the sun kiss my shoulders and turn them different shades of pink. I needed to stand right in the middle of my drive way, squint up at the sky, and have the sun beat down on me. I've spent too long indoors, too long under covers, too long feeling blue. Now I feel green. A good happy green.
My sister spent the night with us this past Saturday, as we try to get in as much "face time" as we can before the movers take her away to Germany. We made homemade pizzas and strawberry shortcake, drank a bit too much mango margs, and had laugh-a-thons.

...and made sure people were jealous of our boogies.