Thursday, July 1, 2010

questioning the ultimate question.

I'm sad to say, I feel that I've lost my way. I use to be so certain about faith, God, my spirituality. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, I feel that it got too foggy. I am not so sure of faith, of life, of anything really. There are things that I feel sure about, like love. but, faith? Hope? I find it so much easier to have hope and faith for others. But not myself.
here was my "message from God" on Facebook today:

On this day God wants you to know...
... that when the night feels very long, remember that a new day is just around the bend. With each new day we are given new hope, new possibilities, new opportunities. Each new day is a miracle.


food for thought, no?

1 comment:

  1. I can understand how you feel about the faith issue. I struggled with this after Julie died. I really believed that G-D would hear my prayer. It was worse after I met my husband because he is Jewish. I found a renewed faith in Judaism. I found it to help me more than my old faith and I am happier with my spiritual side more than ever. I hope you find what you are looking for!
