Thursday, April 1, 2010

PCOS invades my dreams...

I can't even get through one day (or night) with out being reminded that I'm with out a child.
Seems like all of my worse "I need a baby" moments are greeted with newborn well child appointments at work. When I'm aching to be expecting, I see hundreds of baby-bellies at the grocery store. When I've just peed on a negative EPT, my friend announces her pregnancy on facebook. When I feel like it will NEVER happen for me, my cousin posts a link to her registry online, a snap shot of the ultrasound, and a list of could-be names.

I had a dream last night that I started developing a full beard. In the dream I said "I knew this would happen when I went off of the birth control". My sister was in the dream, and she said "you're just going to have to shave it off". I woke up freaking out that I'm going to grow a beard.

I know it's an irrational fear....
but... Oh god. What if I grow a beard? I've seen women with lots of facial fur. I've seen them with serious sideburns, thick mustaches, etc. I don't want want to have male-pattern hair growth. I don't to have PCOS anymore.

Why can't I be normal?


  1. because I would tell you something like that so matter of fact.
    How was my hair in the dream? did it look good? Did I have bangs? What was I wearing?
